I have not posted for over a week, as I have not been well. I am not sure what I had, but I certainly did not feel too good. Not flu or a cold, but just not feeling well. Tired all the time, no energy, could not concentrate on anything, ached all over and had a dreadful cough. I stayed in bed for 5 days. But I am on the mend, the energy is coming back and I have started to make things again!!
Yesterday I made soap - my first ever batch and I am so pleased with it. It contains poppy seeds, coffee and cinnamon leaf oil. Took nearly all day to make. It is just beginning to set.
I have cut it into squares and put it on the shelf to cure. It should be ready in about 4 weeks.
Today I went to pick some sloes from the hedgerows, I got about 5 lb.
I put some into jars with gin to make sloe gin and the rest will make wine, which I hope to start tomorrow.
hello liz, could we have some tips on how to make such wonderful soap? what mould did u use, where did you store it....
how did u make it, what did u make it in and where did u store it?
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