Friday, 22 January 2021

Surviving lock down 3

 Just over 2 weeks of this current lock down have passed and it feels like months.  I am really missing the gym, not been since Christmas Eve when it closed again.  In the summer I started running outside and completed two challenges, the first month was to run a marathon distance (26 miles) in total over the month of March, which I did in 5Km runs.  Then in April I crossed the Chanel and much further.  I carried on running every couple of days across the summer until the gym re-opened in August.  Went to the gym 3 times a week and was really beginning to see some progress, then it closed again in November. I went for a run and found that I had knocked 5 minutes of the time it took me to do the same run in the summer.  I might have stopped to take an extra photo in the summer, but was feeling much fitter than I was in March.  But now it is either too dark or too wet or too cold or too muddy to run outside, so needed something else.

I have tried various workouts on YouTube, but this week discovered Caroline Girvan and her Epic 2 programme.  The first thing I liked about her is her accent, Irish, not American like so many of the Youtubers, which I don't get on with.  The programme is 5 times a week for the next 10 weeks.  I have managed 4 this week, with still one workout to do over the weekend.  Each session is hard, far too many squats, but I quite like it!  Lots of weights, which I love, just need to get some heavier ones, but need to decide what to get.  

Combining this with counting calories and logging everything on MyfitnessPal, I am tracking everything with a view to loosing a few pounds..  Rather proud of -2lb in two weeks.

The other thing that is keeping me occupied is stitching and crochet.  I have a long term crochet blanket project on the go, but have also been doing some cross stitch, just finished this

 The kit had the word "Welcome" in the box, but I changed it to our house number.

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